Pulsetto Med-tech R&D EU Funding
UAB “Pikotera” is proud to announce that we got the opportunity to elevate the functionality and quality of one of the most novel med-tech devices, Pulsetto, to new heights.
UAB “Pikotera” as a long term partner, contributes to the project implemented by UAB “Pulsetto” – “Pulsetto – Confirmation of the Safety and Effectiveness of the Vagus Nerve Stimulator During Clinical Trials.”
Project Goal: To confirm the safety and effectiveness of the vagus nerve stimulator during clinical trials.
Project Activities: During the project implementation, UAB “Pikotera” together with the project executor UAB “Pulsetto” will:
- enhance the Pulsetto device
- create prototypes
- conduct clinical trials to confirm the device’s safety and effectiveness in alleviating stress and related conditions, as well as in suppressing migraine-induced pain and more.
During implementation, the project executor and partner UAB “Pikotera” aim to produce a pilot batch of the product, identify potential device deficiencies, and address them.
Project Outcome: Upon completion of the project by the partner UAB “Pikotera” and the project executor, an innovative and high-quality Pulsetto device will be developed, which will successfully compete in the market, be accessible to the public, and help improve the quality of everyday life by effectively combating stress and anxiety. The device will help not only to relax but also to control inflammatory responses in the body, manage food intake and feelings of satiety, improve sleep quality, and reduce fatigue. One of the desired project outcomes is to confirm the safety, effectiveness, and suitability of the Pulsetto vagus nerve stimulator during clinical trials for treating conditions such as migraines, depression, cluster headaches, and more.
Project duration: 2023-11-14 to 2026-05-30.
Project value: EUR 1,307,288.47.
EU funding: EUR 618,022.69.
Project executor: UAB “Pulsetto”, project partner – UAB “Pikotera”.
Administering institution: Innovation Agency.
For more information: www.esinvesticijos.lt